Originally Published on Techwire: Organizational Change Management (techwire.net)
Change is hard. Everyone knows getting at least eight hours of sleep is ideal, yet how often do we stay up late watching just one more episode?
Sometimes, even when we are convinced a change would be beneficial, implementing that change can be difficult. A proper Organizational Change Management (OCM) strategy can decrease resistance to change, significantly improve user adoption, and help any project achieve its objectives.
Whether you’re looking to roll out a small technological process improvement or a phased implementation of a new system, your approach to OCM can make all the difference. Our goal at Planet is to partner with you to understand your organizational values and respond meaningfully to the specific change management needs in front of you.
Using information we uncover in targeted assessments and discovery workshops, we’ll design a suitable roadmap and apply elements of our own OCM toolkit into a custom solution to meet your needs. The Planet OCM toolkit includes a range of potential instruments and outcomes like communication campaigns and templates, live virtual training or recorded sessions, skill builder campaigns, cases for change, user adoption tracking and analysis, audience assessment and persona development, project team and stakeholder coaching, OCM visioning, and more.
Looking for help developing your OCM strategy? Contact Jennifer Dodd at jdodd@go-planet.com