Broadband / Wireless Connectivity

Broadband access is increasingly a top priority for state and local governments. Are you at risk of falling behind on this growth potential for your community?

An investment in broadband internet is, in many ways, a serious investment in the social and economic development in many municipalities. Beyond opening the potential for an increase in new businesses, population, property values, and job growth (while reducing unemployment)1, high-speed internet opens access to more educational opportunities, social support structures, and, critically, telehealth options for those who may otherwise lack access to certain types of medical care2. In addition, some organizations are finding motivation for broadband expansion in the goal of bridging the digital divide in their K-12 programs and ensuring a safer, more secure internet experience for everyone. With this diversity of potential motivations and benefits, it may come as no surprise that broadband and telecom construction is both an increasingly common constituent concern and a top 10 NASCIO priority.


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1 Campbell, Sophia, Jimena Ruiz Castro, David Wessel. 2021. “The benefits and costs of broadband expansion.” The Brookings Institutions, Aug. 18.

 2 Callahan, Bill, Lara Fishbane, Angela Siefer, Adie Tomer. 2020. “Digital prosperity: How broadband can deliver health and equity to all communities.” The Brookings Institution, Feb. 27.

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