Identity & Access Management

How do you verify who someone is? Moreover, how do you do it well without adding time and frustration to everyone’s day? Identity management is a vital tool to protect your information.

Identity and access management are used to verify the identity of end users (or anyone trying to access your systems) and control who, when, and how said users can access your systems, respectively. These controls are one of the single most critical—and effective—ways to keep malicious actors from infiltrating your secure systems, and they are applied to both internal and external-facing environments. Identity and access management cover numerous security practices, including multifactor authentication, self-service password reset, unmanaged device and location-filtering policies, and other standards that ensure you tightly control who does—and does not—have access to your environment.

Security and identity systems need trained and experienced personnel, best-of-breed security tools, and comprehensive compliance program with documented processes. Without all three the security could have holes. Also, what used to only be about securing human access now must include services, networks, devices, apps, and databases. Strong identity management in a Zero Trust mindset is an important tool to protect your systems, people, and information.


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