Over the last few months, Microsoft has been publishing a series of blog posts detailing the top 10 ways to secure an Office 365 environment. These posts cover many topics including Identity, MDM, and more. To date, Microsoft has released 8 out of the 10 posts and this blog post is written to provide all of the posts in one place. As Microsoft releases the last 3 posts, I’ll update this post to include them.
Step 1. Identify users: top 10 actions to secure your environment
Step 2. Manage authentication and safeguard access: top 10 actions to secure your environment
Step 3. Protect your identities: top 10 actions to secure your environment
Step 4. Set conditional access policies: top 10 actions to secure your environment
Step 5. Set up mobile device management: top 10 actions to secure your environment
Step 6. Manage mobile apps: top 10 actions to secure your environment
Step 7. Discover shadow IT and take control of your cloud apps: top 10 actions to secure your environment
Step 8. Protect your documents and email: top 10 actions to secure your environment
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